The Squarp Hapax is a professional standalone sequencer. A genuine centrepiece of a device, it provides every tool required to compose music then perform on stage. Works just as well with vintage or modern synths, in modular systems along with your favourite DAW, Hapax can sequence and synchronise all your gear, while bringing you carefully crafted tools, designed to maximising creativity.
Package contents
- Hapax sequencer
- Quickstart (user guide, english) architecture cardboard
- 15V power supply
- 2GB SD card
- midi 'din to jack' cable
Product Specs
- Item Number: 22427
- Make:
- Model:
- Condition:
- Finish: Black
- Categories: ⇒
- Function:
- Made In: France
- Modular Grid: Pedals
- Dimensions*: 358 mm wide 206 mm high
- Power*: 120 mA / 15 V AC/DC
* User contributed details