This is a unity based game which can be played with the help of the NeuroSky MindWave device. The game character runs continuously and there come many obstacles in his path each deadly obstacle decreases the power and if the power goes to zero character is dead ,he can avoid the obstacles by jumping which is through eye blinking detected by mind wave device and the character slows down if your meditation goes up and character runs fast if your attention goes up. More over the character stops moving if the attention level decreases beyond a certain threshold so there is a need to maintain attention level to keep the character moving. There are healing aids which increase the power of the character .More over stamina of the player decreases he has to maintain stamina by drinking energy portions. The real time attention and meditation values calculated by the device are used as an input to the game. The raw brainwaves are used to calculate scaled attention and meditation values of player's mind which are then passed to the game. The game can be played entirely through brain and there is no need of pressing keyboard keys. The only controls you need to play the game is to maintain attention through brain to keep the player running and blink eyes when ever jump is required.
Currently it is compatible with windows 7 ,8 ,8.1 and 10 only.