Car Partner 14" x 12" x 12" Manufacture ID: P20303
US PeaceKeepers Car Partner Gear Organizer is sturdy, reinforced to maintain its shape, and large enough to hold all the essentials, including:
- Car Partner Details - Large Detail Page - Laptop or Notebook Computer - Cell Phone plus charging cables - Pens, Business Cards, Maps and File Folders - Handgun and Spare Mags (Velcro Holster included) - Flashlight and Spare Batteries - PDA, GPS, MP3 Player and other electronics - Secured Velcro cover to hold gear in place when transporting from car to destination - Back padded pocket for personal laptop or notebook - Additional pockets for maps, folders or paperwork - Concealed zippered pocket with Velcro holster straps to secure a variety of handguns - Large main compartment for added gear - Additional side open pockets - PDA & cell phone pockets with charger ports - Front pockets for business cards, pen & flashlight - Added zippered secure front pockets - Shoulder strap for easy carry - Additional strap to secure organizer to seat back - Size: 12" x 14" x 12" - Weight: 6 lbs - Color: Black